
Dragon age inquisition how do i rotate my character in creator
Dragon age inquisition how do i rotate my character in creator

dragon age inquisition how do i rotate my character in creator

I'm now stuck in a party banter with no option to exit without giving an answer but because the responses aren't numbered I can't interact. You will still need to initiate romantic dialogue to show that you are interested in them (and in Cullens case, your character will need to be a human or elven female as well). 3,274 views Want to learn more Dragon Age: Inquisition tips and tricks Come check out and watch all our tips.

dragon age inquisition how do i rotate my character in creator

I have tried changing the control options in the main menu and creating a new character, but the problem persists. Dragon Age: Inquisition - How to Create A Character. A strategy guide - Presentation of all the key elements of the game - character creation and development, formation of your party and managing it, fighting, conducting conversations, closing of rifts. The mouse controls work just fine in inventory, map, tactic screens, on the war table and when the looting option comes up. The three main parts of this official guide to Dragon Age: Inquisition include. I've been able to play this way for a little while using keyboard controls but it has been annoying as I cannot access any potions other than health, command my whole party to attack/disengage or interact in any conversations that do not have numbered response options (Ie the ones you can move during) Instead of having to click and drag to rotate the camera around my character, the mouse now only controls the camera and I do not need to hold down the mouse button to do so. I'm having a problem with controls for DA:I on PC.

Dragon age inquisition how do i rotate my character in creator